
The correct citations for the current versions of our programs are given below.

Structural equation modeling:

  • Jöreskog, K.G., & Sörbom, D. (2021). LISREL 11: Structural equation modeling. Chapel Hill, NC: Scientific Software International, Inc.

Multilevel modeling:

  • Raudenbush, S.W., & Congdon, R.T. (2021). HLM 8: Hierarchical linear and nonlinear modeling. Chapel Hill, NC: Scientific Software International, Inc.
  • Hedeker, D. & Gibbons, R, (2021). SuperMix 3.1: Mixed effects models. Chapel Hill, NC: Scientific Software International, Inc.

Item Response modeling:

  • Zimowski, M, Muraki, E., Mislevy, R. J., & Bock, R.D. (2020). BILOG-MG 4. Multiple-group IRT analysis and test maintenance for binary items. Chapel Hill, NC: Scientific Software International, Inc.
  • Muraki, E., & Bock, R. D. (2020). PARSCALE 5. IRT based test scoring and item analysis for graded items and rating scales. Chapel Hill, NC: Scientific Software International, Inc.


  • Bock, R.D., du Toit, S.H.C., & Thissen, D. (2020). AUXAL 3: Auxological analysis of longitudinal measurements of human stature. Chapel Hill, NC: Scientific Software International, Inc.